Tuesday 3 May 2016

Lots o' Links

Today I continued with the task of curating my browser bookmarks.  I hadn't done it in ... oh... I got this computer about 5 years ago and even then, I imported bookmarks from my old computer, so it's been a while.  Believe it or not, there are a lot of dead links!  *LOL*

I've taken care of a lot of them, but I have a folder left to do that holds all kinds of links to writing essays and tip sheets and author advice and all kinds of stuff I've accumulated over the years.  There are a lot of links in that folder.

So that was my day's excitement.  Thrilling huh?  :)

Ah well, they can't all be gems.  ;)

(x-posted to Dreamwidth)

Monday 2 May 2016

Musing on A Song of Ice and Fire vs Game of Thrones

I stopped watching Game of Thrones back in the beginning of Season 2.  I don't rightly know why, I just did.  I am up to date on A Song of Ice and Fire, having read through A Dance of Dragons, however.  Last night was the premiere of Season 6 of GoT on HBO and it was all over my Twitter timeline and Facebook, so much so that I actually dreamt about it, the TV return, that is - Jon Snow hadn't died, he'd gone off to be a pirate and returned to Westeros at the head of a pirate fleet.

So as I lay in bed this morning, I ended up wondering if George R.R. Martin ever regrets selling the series to HBO when he did.  Now that the show has apparently caught up with the books, and it's been officially announced and reiterated that what is seen in the show will not be following the books in many cases - many more cases than it already has - it sets me to wondering.

I know that GRRM has shared his vision of the story with the producers of the show, but God knows if they're all going to end up in the same place now.  I wonder how that feels, to have one's arguably best piece of work taken from your hands and reformed before you even get the chance to do it your way.  The first time.  The original.   I think he must at some point, no?  Have regrets?  In the wee small hours?  Do all the $$ and recognition he's received thanks to the TV show make up for it?  Again, when he's all alone in the wee small hours, I wonder....

I also wonder if A Song of Ice and Fire, his story,  will be tainted by Game of Thrones and what the TV producers come up with as their story.  Does the original vision of Westeros become something shared between GRRM, David Benioff and DB Weiss instead of GRRM's alone?

That was all some heavy thinking before my first cup of coffee!

(x-posted to Dreamwidth)

Late Night Blogging

I'm trying to blog or whatever regularly, but sometimes it's hard because nothing exciting happens for days on end in my life!  *LOL*   Which, you know, I'm okay with except that I've got nothing interesting to blog about.  But, this is part of my getting my mojo back, so...

I could go on a rant about the latest uproar in Romancelandia or even the latest uproars, because there always seems to be a couple of them going at any given time.  I could weigh in on the way the Puppy People have ruined the Hugo Awards in SciFiLandia, but all I know is that the creepy old white men are feeling threatened and hence have fucked shit up.  Then there's the whole Kelly Ripa/Michael Strahan controversy, but I think I said all I need to say on the matter for now on Twitter.

So, let's see... I'm reading a good book right now.  The second in a fantasy series.  The Providence of Fire by Brian Staveley.  Juicy epic fantasy.  I know it's good because I have to make myself put it down at the ends of chapters so that I get about my chores and stuff.  :)

I've decided that I want to crochet a blanket.  It's a Ripple Blanket.  I want to use cotton yarn.  I have a wee bit that I bought to make wrist warmers with that I've been practicing on and I like how it works and I like the feel of it when it's done, so that's what I want to go with.  I'm going to head out to Michaels this week to hunt up enough to actually make a start.  Not sure what colours I'll go with - I'll have to see what they have.  This way, I can do my cross stitch during the day when the light is better and I can crochet at night when I'm not sitting on the computer.

And let me finish tonight's entry by saying that I'm ready for a little bit of warmth.  I'm ready for days with temps in the high teens and nights in the low teens.  This single digit crap has quite worn out its welcome with me.