Monday 15 December 2014

What Happens When I Get Up Early

I'm up early this Monday morning, so what better thing to do than blog.  *LOL*  Yeah, I know, there are tons of other things I could probably be doing, but what the hell.  :)

Last night I finished getting the Christmas decorations up.  Not that I did a lot, mind you.  Just the tree and some of the many, many Christmas knick-knacks that I've collected through the years.  It looks holidayish around here now.  :)    And my tree is very Canadian - red and white, our national colours.  *LOL*

I've finished my Christmas shopping, only a few stocking stuffers left to get for the boy which I'll do at some point over the next week and a half.  I have one last thing to get through the mail though, but I suspect it will arrive this week.  

Other than Christmas stuff, what's happening?  Well, as I laid in bed this morning, debating on whether I should get up and heed the Call of the Bladder, or hope to drift back off to sleep, I started thinking about things online that have bugged me lately.  *LOL*  I know, positive eh?   No wonder I ended up getting up.  

There's a trend going on that really drives me apeshit.  Seriously apeshit.  Now, I know that language is a living thing, changing and mutating with usage etc... but this trend of... what would it be?... bastardising adverbs?  I don't know, but it makes people sound stupid and ignorant in my opinion.  When adults do it makes me think that they're trying to be teenagers and 'with it'.  What is it?  Well... when instead of saying "I am excited." or "I am disappointed." they say, "I am excite." or "I am disappoint."  IT SOUNDS STUPID!  And uneducated.  And just plain wrong.  And every time an author does it?  An angel weeps.   

Another thing that bugs me is this sub-tweeting bullshit that so many of the supposed socially aware folks I follow on Twitter indulge in.  Most of them are authors and reviewers and it makes me wonder if this is something that is just prominent in the romance genre.  They snark like mean girls in the cafeteria at school.  All these veiled condemnations and callings out without ever naming the person involved.  Seems to me that if you think someone is so wrong, is so deserving of the ranting that can go on all day - for many days - then you should have no problem naming them and calling them out for their behavior.  If you actually want to change something, that is.  Otherwise, it's just mean boys and girls talking and snickering behind someone's back.  Bully behavior, actually.  It pisses me off and I lose respect for the person doing it, and unfortunately, for the 'cause' they're espousing.  What really got to me over the weekend was the plethora of subtweets about the author that turned out to be Joseph Konrath and a most obnoxious blog post he wrote up to publicise his new, supposedly genre-busting (*snort*  It's not at all, the guy's a tool who knows nothing) erotic romance novel.  So many people were on about him yet.. no one named him.  But the minute... I swear, the very minute that his co-author - who happens to be a woman (they write under a pseudonym) - makes a statement to defend him, they sure as shit are quick to name her!  Yeah, and you'd be right if you thought it was the feminists so quick to name her and not him.  

The other thing that that crew does that bugs the shit out of me is to constantly decry the lack of diversity in their books, meaning the romance genre books.  (Which I sometimes wonder if it's really as big a problem as it seems.  I find myself wondering if what they're looking for is actually GOOD books that are diverse. )  So there they are, crying out for diversity and then they turn around and rip apart any author that dares to stray into diverse story-telling.   HOW DOES THIS HELP?  It boggles my mind how erroneously righteous these people are.  

And then we come to the word 'smirk'.  A smirk is not sexy, people.  It means to smile in a smug, conceited, silly way.  It's not cute, it's not a turn on.  A smirk says, "I am better than you."   It is such a self-satisfied expression.  It's not hot.  Stop using the word that way.   It's like a snicker.  A snicker is mean-spirited.   It's a laugh/chuckle that you smother because you're laughing at someone else's troubles.  It's like schadenfreude.  You know, where you take pleasure in the misfortune of others?  Yeah, you snicker then.  A snicker is not cute.  Or sexy.  Or hot.  

That's a lot of shit that bugs me!  *LOL*  But I've gotten it off my chest, so hopefully I can proceed with my week in a more positive fashion.  Because I do believe in thinking positively.  Negativity just breeds more negativity in my experience.  

So let's finish on a couple of positive things.  I got to read an advance copy of a novel that's coming out in March and it was TERRIFIC!  Keep your eyes open for Misfits by Garrett Leigh.  

I found out that the new CRAVE TV streaming service is part of my TMN Movie Network package.  It's going to be interesting to see what they add to it as they grow.  

And now for something totally positive... dancing!

Alex O'Loughlin

Maks and his hips


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